Friday, July 19, 2013

Liberty on the Rocks: Orange County Launch in Fullerton

Last night I attended the launching of Liberty on the Rocks group for Orange County. I give you land lubbers my optimistic sentiments. This time I wore a bow tie after the fashionable Jeffrey Tucker and venerable Rothbard. I highly recommend dressing up when you go out for drinks, women love the extra effort. Next time, it'll be full pirate regalia!

Although I arrived late because the government roads congested with traffic and doubled by travel time, I thoroughly enjoyed imbibing with fellow libertarians at the Liberty on the Rocks event at Bootlegger's Brewery in Fullerton. For a reboot of a club that previously petered out, I was quite enthusiastic to promote the message of anarchy to a crowd of about 25.

On our side, we had an entrepreneur designer working on projects that promote the message of liberty, an couple enjoying their beautiful anarchy as far as they can, some politically minded folk from Young Americans for Liberty chapters both Fullerton and Irvine, a local Libertarian Party leader who invited us to switch our registration an increase their statistical weight, and many enthusiastic others. The introductions were brief, probably lasting only about 10 minutes, in keeping with my experience with the LoTR LA group. This schedule left much time for chatter about many topics.

The Admiral has some extreme views (statists think so anyway) and doesn't particularly act as a compelling spokesman to potential initiates in the world of voluntary cooperation. Anarchism is really and truly a grassroots program, and the energy I get from meeting these people is a wonderful oasis in the intellectual desert of our statist culture. Of course, the best part was not necessarily talking to the like-minded, but in the opportunity to argue with fellow statist commoners that happened to be enjoying the brewery at the same time.

For example, a few voluntarists from our group had been working on getting agreement with a local government employee, an EMT for the Fire Dept. The Admiral, in his counter-productive and unapologetic manner unfortunately ruined the recruitment. I stepped in, because I really liked the promotion of voluntary ideals, but the EMT found my position far too extreme. Curiously, with a poorly consider ad hominem attack, our government employed EMT accused me of milking the taxpayers with my tuition and half-of-minimum wage salary! Oh what amusement!

A union-loving democrat and his radical motorcycle-riding friend also regaled us with an inspiring tale! He had been riding on the 91 freeway and was passed by some reckless (well, by state rules anyway) cops travelling an exhilarating 120mph. Not to be outdone by the uniformed officials, and filled with rage from their flagrant hypocrisy, he sped up to catch these two uniformed and power indulgent individuals. They promptly performed their duty and pulled him over for reckless speeding, but he was successful in negotiating his way out of their victim-less crime ticket. Let this be a lesson to us all, we can all succeed in pointing out abuse of authority!

I think it's great to have these events in public places, because it's such a wonderful opportunity to spread the word in a grassroots manner. Though The Admiral comes off abrasive and extreme, indeed I take great mirth in decimating conversation norms, our more socially fluent can get others to hate the state, and encourage them to self-empowerment against the uniformed.


  1. Haha and the EMT wishing he could let old people die because they lack utility in his eyes lol im not sure why but that night i was enjoying his fascist views and 'rebuttals' :P

  2. But it's not that he wanted to just stand back to watch them die, he wanted to put them down.
